Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Its been a while I know...

Wow! Haven't said a word to you guys since April! I'm sorry for neglecting you! Im still working for at&t. It's going really well. The only thing is, I have a HUGE rule that I don't date people that I work with. My ex-boyfriend from high school ended up working at the same place for a while, and when we broke up it was so awkward. Ever since then I have never dated anyone I work with. Just not worth it. No fishing in the Company pond here!
As it turns out it is just as awkward to turn down a date. This poor guy. He is super sweet. But here is the thing...
1. I don't want to date right now anyway because I'm trying to figure out my feelings for someone....
2. I don't date ppl I work with!
3. I don't have time, I have the boys all the time, and no one is meeting them anytime soon.
Not sure what to do. I don't want to hurt his feelings.